

About us


Our Mission - We restore the safety of life and activities of the Ukrainian population through humanitarian demining using modern technologies.

  • Qualification ➤ Safety ➤ Modern equipment

  • International standards ➤ Digitization ➤ Transparency

  • Ethics ➤ Inclusivity ➤ Preservation of cultural heritage

SGS is a mine action operator offering a full range of humanitarian demining services

The characteristic features of our company are flexibility and the ability to quickly respond, adapt to changing conditions, take into account the specifics of the area, cultural features, new challenges and customer requirements. This makes us effective partners in conditions where it is necessary to urgently solve security tasks in a certain area. Our priority is strict quality and safety control of the work performed.
Our key features:
- Highly qualified personnel: we have a team of experienced and well-trained specialists, including sappers, technicians, engineers and project managers.
- Modern equipment: we use advanced technologies and equipment for detection and disposal of explosive objects.
- International standards: we adhere to international standards (IMAS) and national regulations.
- Safety: we prioritize the safety of both staff and the local population, with strict adherence to protocols and procedures to minimize risks.
- Comprehensive approach: we provide a full range of services, including non-technical and technical survey, demining, clearing the area of hostilities, as well as informing the population and training local communities.
- Digitization: we use modern digital technologies and tools for collecting, analyzing and managing data. Namely: geographic information systems (GIS), drones and aerial photography, digital databases, mobile applications, VR/AR for sapper training, simulation of demining scenarios.
- Reputation and experience: our team has considerable experience in demining various types of areas and conditions, as well as a positive reputation among customers and partners.
- Involvement of local communities: we actively cooperate with the local population, taking into account their needs, cultural characteristics and experience.
- Effective project management: we have well-established project management processes, including planning, monitoring, reporting and coordination with other organizations.
- Transparency and accountability: we guarantee openness in reports on activities, finances and achievements, which strengthens the trust of customers, partners and donors.
- Ethics: we adhere to high ethical standards, including respect for human rights, preservation of the environment and responsibility to the communities in which we work.
- Preservation of cultural heritage: we respect and take into account the cultural and historical aspects of the areas where demining works are carried out, avoiding damage to the local cultural heritage.
- Inclusivity: we have a gender-balanced approach, we take into account the needs of people with disabilities, which contributes to a deeper understanding of local contexts and increased trust on the part of the community, social responsibility.
The result is efficiency, accuracy and transparency of processes, reduction of time for inspection and demining, reduction of risks.