

In two weeks, spring will arrive.


It will call upon the fields of our farmers. It is particularly painful for the landowner, for the farmer, when instead of a harvest, the land is overrun by weeds. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of Ukrainian land require safety verification and demining. Currently, on the de-occupied territories, and let's be honest, probably on any field in Ukraine, working means risking lives. Because either it's mined, or an air raid alarm, and what seemed like a relatively safe field can become dangerous. Ukrainian farmers' bread is very expensive because for the past ten years, it has not only been about hard work but also about risking lives.
Seasonally, we see information about agricultural machinery being blown up on mines - this not only causes damage to property but also endangers the person driving it. Our farmers, who work in extremely difficult conditions, especially in Kharkiv, Sumy, and Kherson regions, are the civilian heroes of today, fighting for the grain, for the rich harvest on the tables of Ukrainians.
Our company, "Safe Ground Solutions," understands all the complexity of working the land for Ukrainian farmers and does everything possible to make safe fields more abundant. Our team works 24/7 with faith in victory and the future so that Ukraine can once again be and continue to be a leader in the world's agricultural market!
Farmers - whether you work on a hundred square meters of land or hectares, if you need humanitarian demining, if your land requires non-technical inspection, call us and we will help! Together! Shoulder to shoulder!
Hats off to the hands that smell of bread!