

A bit about our work, which is our life

A bit about our work, which is our life. Humanitarian demining is the Ukrainian village where the future ear of grain grows in the generous field, it's a bee collecting honey from flowers. It's a red, sweet apple that you can pick from a tree in the garden, or the fragrant strawberry with raspberries grown with hardworking hands. It's the striped Kherson watermelon or buckwheat grown in Kharkiv region, the corn cob sprinkled with salt from Chernihiv region, or the baked potato from Sumy region. It's the future roses in Donetsk region!


Humanitarian demining is life! It's our city. Where there is light in a safe home, it's a children's playground echoing with the laughter of little ones, it's a kindergarten, a school, or even a higher educational institution. Humanitarian demining is life that is saved. It's when people work freely for people. When a peasant works on his land without fear, and the city is safe for living. Thousands of enterprises and hundreds of thousands of people are waiting for humanitarian demining for their future! Let's help together, for the future of every Ukrainian and Ukraine!

"SGS" LLC - Your humanitarian demining operator, together towards victories and safe fields!